Thanks for your quick help!

I tried a number of ways in the file:
"external"      "0"     "0"     "c:\\apps\\ecartis\\testfloat2.exe" 
"external"      "0"     "0"     "c:\apps\ecartis\testfloat2.exe" 
"external"      "0"     "0"     "c:/apps/ecartis/testfloat2.exe" 
"external"      "0"     "0"     "cmd.exe /C 
c:/apps/ecartis/testfloat2.exe"     "@@TMPFILE"
"external"      "0"     "0"     "cmd.exe /C 
c:\apps\ecartis\testfloat2.exe"     "@@TMPFILE"
"external"      "0"     "0"     "cmd.exe /C 
c:\\apps\\ecartis\\testfloat2.exe"  "@@TMPFILE"

>On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Chris Jones wrote:
> >
> > It doesn't matter what program I try to test with, it is not executed by
> > the XMail server when an email is sent to that user.
> > For example:
> > "external"      "0"     "0"     "c:\apps\ecartis\d2c.exe"   "@@TMPFILE"
> > This is a test program to write the time to a file in the root of c:.  It
> > is not executed. It doesn't matter which slash I use / or \.
> >
> > I must be missing something about how to setup Xmail to execute the command
> > alias files.  Is there another step besides simply placing the tab file in
> > cmdaliases?
>Which structure did you put inside cmdaliases ?
>- Davide
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Chris Jones, P. Eng.
14 Oneida Avenue
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Tel. 416 203-7465
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