Added a retry counter to avoid an inifinite loop, when spamd is down:

# MOD.start
# pass rest to spamc
#MOD my $checkedEmail=`spamc -f < $tmpFile`;

my $delay = 0;
my $retry = 0;
my $checkedEmail;       
do {
        $checkedEmail = '';
        print "*** spamc delayed: $delay sec.\n" if ($delay > 0) && ($DEBUG
== 1);
        open2(*SPAMC_R,*SPAMC_W,'spamc -f');
        print SPAMC_W $tmpFile;

        my $bak = $/;
        undef $/;
        $checkedEmail = <SPAMC_R>;
        $/ = $bak;
        $delay += 5;
        $retry += 1;
        last if $retry > 1000;
} while($checkedEmail !~ /X-Spam-Flag/gms );

# MOD.end


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