> That seems to work and saves precious keystrokes.
> (You see, I'm getting old, and I beleive that each person
> only has a certain number of keystrokes in their lifetime; I
> try to save each one I can so I don't run out ;) ).

Hehhehe ... that's very wise :)

> Also, 1000 retries at an average of 500 x 5 seconds each
> is 1000 x 500 x 5 =3D 2,500,000 seconds which is about 29 days!
> I think I'll drop the retry count down a bit.

I see .. this was a quick shot, also meant to save time ;)
One more thing: $tempFile hold the file's content. In the original =
script it
holds the filename.
But I'm sure when you are done, we got some good compressed Perl code.

Read you,

> Aloha =3D> Beau;
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