On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 22:07:25 +0200, =D7=A0=D7=95=D7=A8 =D7=93=D7=90=D7=95=
=D7=93 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David,
> But why fail the first time? Nonetheless, there's a clear ESMTP protocol =
> to address exactly this problem. You save bandwidth, save resources on =
> the SMTP server and G-d knows what else.
> My C++ knowledge is pretty rusty or else I would have done this myself. =
> Haven't touched a C code for years now. How hard would it be to code it =
> anyway? It's part of the ESMTP standard, and XMAIL is supposedly a ESMTP =
> compliant server...

It's an ESMTP extension called piplining. I don't know of many of the
most popular mta's that support it, so it's probably not that much of
a win to implement it.


> Noor
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