it would help if you explain a litlle bit more what exactly is slow and 
how do you reproduce the "problem"


kalinga pravi:

>my recently installed xmail server is very slow, here is my file. 
>pls show me any problem or missing configurations which cause this 
>"RootDomain"    ""
>"SmtpServerDomain"      ""
>"POP3Domain"    ""
>"HeloDomain"    ""
>"PostMaster"    "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>"ErrorsAdmin"   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>"TempErrorsAdmin"       "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>"RemoveSpoolErrors"     "0"
>"DisableEmitAuthUser"   "1"
>"NotifyMsgLinesExtra"   "4"
>"NotifySendLogToSender" "0"
>"NotifyTryPattern"      "1"
>"MaxMTAOps"     "16"
>"ReceivedHdrType"       "1"
>"FetchHdrTags"  "+X-Deliver-To,+Received,To,Cc"
>"MaxMessageSize"        "6000"
>"EnableAuthSMTP-POP3"   "1"
>"Pop3SyncErrorAccount"  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>"AllowNullSender"       "1"
>"AllowSmtpVRFY" "0"
>"AllowSmtpETRN" "0"
>"SMTP-RDNSCheck"        "0"
>"CheckMailerDomain"     "0"
>"DefaultSmtpPerms"      "MRVZ"
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