On Fri, 17 Dec 2004, Swen Lansing wrote:

> Hi,
> After using Xmail for more than one year, I would like to know how to
> tunes it to have optimal bandwidth setting for SMTP and SMAIL.
> I've searching and found my average message size is 15kb.
> I have 1 gigabyte local area network and 2 megabytes to WAN.
> I saw that when XMAIL receive a lot of message from the LAN it works a
> lot and WAN sending decrease. I use a list server sometimes and I
> would like to know it is possible to compute the best interaction
> approach between SMTP/SMAIL, maybe the number of messages in one
> SMTP session, if it would be more quicker to copy directly message in
> local spool, etc etc... Is the number of SMTP thread needs to be
> a multiple of SMAIL thread? I can't find really a how it works in the
> docs, with default parameters, the influence of the spool, the DNS,
> the cache, the number of folders etc etc...
> Any hints?

You can try to increase the number of SMAIL threads.

- Davide

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