The reason for needing SMTP SASL support is because some customers =
of our class C will need to use our SMTP server when sending since our =
will be listed as their authorized sending SMTP server within their SPF
data.  However, their local ISPs ban outbound port 25.  These customers =
ours will need a port other than 25 to connect to us on.  Port 587 is
recommended.  However, if I open 587 without requiring SMTP AUTH on that
port, then we will still be vulnerable to dictionary attacks on that =

We need scalability as well.  If we write a separate filter for each =
we need done, then the performance will get crushed.  SMTP SASL support =
something that could best be done within XMail instead of needing to =
call a
separate filter.  IF XMail supported in process filters (through DLL =
then I would simply write in process filters and be done.  However, =
separate processes for each incoming email is something that quickly =
the ability to scale.  For small operations, spawning processes is fine, =
not for big operations.


>If I'm not mistaken, a "patch" for this could be created using SMTP=20
filters, if only there was a way to retrieve the port used to connect as =

well as the @@USERAUTH.
>Though, of course, true SASL support is better, for obvious reasons.
>Hmm... In fact, what's wrong with adding a @@USREAUTH check to your SPF =

filter? If the user is authenticated, skip the test.

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