First of all, thanks for the help, this is what I've found.
The bsa_filter has "#!/usr/bin/perl"
perl -V gives only 5.8.6 info (as far as I can tell, it output a bunch
of stuff)
spamassassin -V gives: Spamassassin version 3.0.2 running on Perl
version 5.8.6
Your script (thanks much) gives:
Digest::SHA1 --2.10
HTML::Parser -- 3.45
HTML::Tagset -- 3.04
Mail::SpamAssassin -- 3.000002
Perl -- 5.8.6
I'm at a complete loss.  I can't find this 2.61 anywhere.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/13/2005 6:20 PM >>>

Have you checked that bsa_filter uses the same perl (in the #!shebang)
version as `which perl` ?

A small script to print out what modules and their versions are


use ExtUtils::Installed;
my $instmod = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
foreach my $module ($instmod->modules()) {
my $version = $instmod->version($module) || "???";
print "$module -- $version\n";

Also check `perl -V` and look for older versions of perl installed
where the 2.61 version could be hiding..

> I just used a script to remove the cpan installs, tried running a sa
test, was told "no such file" (which is what I hoped for). Compiled
3.0.2, tested with xmail and it still showed 2.61.
> Sheesh, I'm haunted by ghosts of SA!!!
> Used CPAN earlier with no luck, could try again when I get home

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