Just it it helps, the procesess taking
CPU are sleeping according to top output.
Those ara a few lines from top:

1547 root      15   0  5664 5664  1280 S     5.7  0.2   0:25 XMail
1511 root      15   0  5664 5664  1280 S     3.9  0.2   0:23 XMail
1522 root      15   0  5664 5664  1280 S     3.6  0.2   0:24 XMail
1497 root      15   0  5672 5672  1280 S     3.4  0.2   0:24 XMail
1504 root      15   0  5668 5668  1280 S     3.4  0.2   0:23 XMail
1505 root      15   0  5672 5672  1280 S     3.1  0.2   0:23 XMail
1546 root      15   0  5660 5660  1280 S     2.9  0.2   0:23 XMail
1527 root      15   0  5664 5664  1280 S     2.8  0.2   0:24 XMail
1534 root      15   0  5664 5664  1280 S     2.6  0.2   0:23 XMail
1556 root      15   0  5668 5668  1280 S     2.6  0.2   0:27 XMail
1484 root      15   0  5664 5664  1280 S     2.4  0.2   0:23 XMail
1485 root      15   0  5664 5664  1280 S     2.4  0.2   0:23 XMail
1542 root      15   0  5672 5672  1280 S     2.4  0.2   0:23 XMail
1506 root      15   0  5668 5668  1280 S     2.3  0.2   0:24 XMail
1514 root      15   0  5660 5660  1280 S     2.3  0.2   0:23 XMail

If it may help, the server has  SMP (2 CPU)

Daniel Serena

> Hi.
>   I've installed 1.21 on Linux (Suse 8.1).
>   For some reason it takes a lot more
> CPU use than 1.15 or 1.17 (I've tested both
> ones to check it).
>   Just changing the binaries from
> one version to the other seems to get
> a higher CPU load. With 1.15 or 1.17
> the uptime is between 0.20 and 2.00
> more or less.
>   With 1.21 uptime goes between 4.50 and 9.00
> more or less.
>   If you issue a "top", the diference is that
> every XMail process gets a %CPU higer with
> 1.21 than with the other versions. Between
> 2.10% and 4.20% with 1.21.
> With 1.17 for example I get a few theads using
> same even higher CPU load (4% to 8% of CPU),
> but most of the threads are with about 1.0%
> or 0.7%.
> There's possible any reason for that?
> I've tried running in debug mode but everything
> seems to be ok.
> Daniel Serena

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