At 12:51 2/14/2005, S=F6nke Ruempler wrote:
> >   I have this problem, we have a customer ( politician of course) that
> > really needs ( or belives he needs) all the mail to his
> > address to reach
> > him, no matter if the sender is in some RBL, specifically black-listed
> > in spammers IP blocks or other method of filtering.
> >  I've deald appropiately with SpamAssassin and local filters,
> > but is there
> > a method to bypass( white list) the RBLS and on
> > recipient addresss not on sender ??=3D20
>You can only whitelist IPs / subnets with XMail (, but
>no email addresses. Afaik the blacklist checks are done before the
>RCPT's are sent. So the only way would be writing a filter or tuning SA
>(it can do RBL checks, too).=3D20

I ended up doing custom mods to the SMTP code to delay rejects for all=20
checks until after RCPT TO - then I moved all my checks out into a pre-data=
filter. One of the things this allowed me to do is to establish local=20
policy levels - for instance, it allows me to automatically accept any mail=
destined for my role accounts without regard to whether it comes from=20
blacklisted or blocked space.

The mods to do this aren't terribly hard, but I'm not comfortable enough=20
with the quality of my code to be able to share it with anyone. If someone=
wants to discuss it in the abstract (for instance, in preparations to=20
making their own modifications), I'd be happy to do so, on or off list.


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