Sounds more like it is only a problem on the _day_ DST changes.
DST usually changes at 02:00, so I'm guessing that on the day of change,
when a new log is being rotated, the new day is having 1 hour adjusted when
the file name is being calculated at 00:00 (day change)
This should not occur, until 02:00 (dst change).
There is a possible problem: lets say you have hourly log rotations, at
02:00 when the time changes back, does xmail open the 01:00 log and append?
The scenario of adding 1 hour is not a problem, there will be one log
'missing', because the hour was skipped -02:00 became 03:00

Rob: -)
Signature: Live like you'll die tomorrow!
Reply: I tried your signature out once. It took years off my life!  

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Francesco Vertova
> Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: [xmail] Re: name of xmail log files is wrong
> At 07.55 28/03/05 +0200, you wrote:
> >I use 1.21
> >
> >As I tought today the logs are fine. But we could think 
> about next change...
> I've been using XMail since version 1.17, first on NT4 then 
> on Win2K (always with the latest service pack) and I've 
> always observed this behaviour at daylight saving time 
> change: a new log file ending in "2300" 
> (when DST starts) or "0100" (when DST ends) is created at the 
> time of change. The next day the file namings become again 
> normal ("0000", I've no hourly rotation set). The reason of 
> this behaviour has always been very obscure (Davide sent a 
> test programme some time ago: though it uses the same routine 
> as XMail, it does not exhibit this ...).
> Ciao, Francesco
> -
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