  Last days I've been using RDNS and RBL (sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org) ckecks and many 
of my customers had problems. Some because they couldn't receive e-mail from 
other ISPs that didn't configure RDNS and others because they couldn't receive 
mail from blacklisted IPs.

  I'm having RDNS problems even with important companies here in Spain and it's 
dificult to explain my customers that this is caused by other's bad 
configuration. My customers say: "Yesterday I could recive from XXXX and now I 
can't. What did you changed?". And some of these important companies say they 
can't set a RDNS record since they host several services per IP.

  I write to ask you about your experience with RDNS and RBLs. What 
configuration do you use? What RBL servers do you use?


  Javier Navarro

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