There is a simple patch (requiring a few lines of code) available for 
the kqueue problem.  I run 1.21 on 5.4 (and for 6 or so months on 5.3) 
and have no problems after modyfying the code for the kqueue problem.  I 
have found it to be incredibly stable (Xmail has never gone down that I 
can recall with this configuration).


David Lord wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On 17 Jun 2005, at 18:52, Ross Gohlke wrote:
>Which version of XMail? 
>What are outputs of:  'lsof | grep -c XMail' and '/sbin/sysctl 
>I ran XMail 1.17 on FreeBSD 4.10 for some time without a problem once 
>configured. Now with XMail 1.21 on FreeBSD 5.3 as of Feb 6, I've 
>never had it stable due to kqueue and possible hardware 
>incompatibilities. I'm considering move back to try XMail 1.17 and if 
>that doesn't work a move to NetBSD 2.0.2. 
>I've had similar errors from CtrlClnt when either command syntax was 
>wrong or had a misconfiguration. I no longer attempt to use CtrlClnt 
>from a commandline, only from scripts.
>>XMail seems to be running smoothly, but I cannot seem to access
>>CtrlClnt. I created one user successfully, then it stopped working. If
>>I changed something I can't remember what it was, and I've gone
>>through  all the processes again.
>>When running a CtrlClnt command such as:
>>/usr/bin/CtrlClnt -s -u postmaster -p password useradd
>> newuser newpassword U
>>where is the RootDomain, the command tries to run for
>>over  a minute, then gives this error: ErrCode   = -162 ErrString =
>>End of socket stream data
>>I also noticed a "socket bind error" when starting up from command
>>james# /var/MailRoot/bin/XMail -Md -Pl -Sl -Fl -Cl -Ll
>>SMAIL thread [00] started
>>SMAIL thread [01] started
>>SMAIL thread [02] started
>>SMAIL thread [03] started
>>SMAIL thread [04] started
>>SMAIL thread [05] started
>>SMAIL thread [06] started
>>SMAIL thread [07] started
>>SMAIL thread [08] started
>>SMAIL thread [09] started
>>SMAIL thread [10] started
>>SMAIL thread [11] started
>>SMAIL thread [12] started
>>SMAIL thread [13] started
>>SMAIL thread [14] started
>>SMAIL thread [15] started
>>Socket bind error
>>[XMail 1.21 POP3 Server] started
>>[XMail 1.21 ESMTP Server] started
>>[XMail 1.21 PSYNC Server] started
>>[XMail 1.21 FINGER Server] started
>>LMAIL thread [00] started
>>LMAIL thread [01] started
>>LMAIL thread [02] started
>>I'm assuming these issues are related.
>>I found a thread in the archive suggesting I may have some other mail
>>service running and interfering, but I can't figure it out.
>>james# netstat
>>Active Internet connections
>>Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address       
>>(state) tcp4       0     32  james.ssh    
>>ESTABLISHED tcp4       0      0  james.ssh             
>> ESTABLISHED udp6       0      0 
>>localhost.localh.55733 localhost.localh.55733 Active UNIX domain
>>sockets Address  Type   Recv-Q Send-Q    Inode     Conn     Refs 
>>Nextref Addr c25bf08c stream      0      0        0 c25c04ec        0 
>>      0 c25c04ec stream      0      0        0 c25bf08c        0      
>> 0 c25bf578 stream      0      0 c272a210        0        0        0
>>/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 c25bf7a8 stream      0      0        0 c25bf834    
>>   0        0 c25bf834 stream      0      0        0 c25bf7a8        0
>>       0 c25bfec4 stream      0      0 c25f4210        0        0     
>>  0 /var/run/devd.pipe c25c0a64 dgram       0      0        0 c25bfe38
>>       0 c25bfc94 c25bfc94 dgram       0      0        0 c25bfe38     
>>  0        0 c25bfe38 dgram       0      0 c25c1840        0 c25c0a64 
>>      0 /var/run/log
>>Could it be sendmail? I followed these instructions for replacing
>>james# ps aux | grep sendmail
>>root    394  0.0  0.1  1632 1100 con  I+    3:14PM   0:00.00 /bin/sh
>>/usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-mta -bd -q30m
>>-ODaemonPortOptions=Addr=localhost root    395  0.0  0.2  2772 1804
>>con  I+    3:14PM   0:00.01 /usr/sbin/sendmail.xmail -L sm-mta -bd
>>-q30m -ODaemonPortOptions=Addr=localhost
>>I have DBMail installed and running imap, but no other mail software. 
>>Any ideas? I'd really like to start using XMail!
>>Ross Gohlke
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