.... and there _is_ another leak:

I'm using psync to retreive all mail from an external server while I'm 
dynamically bound to the internet.

A mail to my testlist is sent to the list even though the sender does 
not appear in the mlusers list. There's no errors at all...

I don't see a way to fix this by now ...


Martin Schmid

Martin Schmid schrieb:

> hello all, Hello Davide
> I've just set up a fresh xmail on a linux box. The mailing list 
> feature worked as expected as long as there were no aliasdomains defined.
> I'm sending a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] But the local domain's name 
> is 'apsserver'
> As soon as I have the line
>             "apsag.com"\t"apsserver"
> in the aliasdomains.tab file, any restrictions are ignored.
> Or, in other words, as soon as there is an alias for a domain, the 
> whole world is allowed to send to a list of this domain.
> As a (permanent) work-around, I need to set up the alias'd domain as 
> handled domain and set an alias from the local domain to it:
>             "apsserver"\t"apsag.com"
> hope there won't be another leak...
> Regards
> Martin Schmid
> Martin Schmid schrieb:
>> I currently have this in the file:
>> "ClosedML"\t"1"\n
>> "UseReplyTo"\t"0"\n
>> "DisableEmitAuthUser"\t"1"\n
>> In the list there are only three users and only one has write 
>> permission.
>> Martin Schmid schrieb:
>>> Hello
>>> Maybe this is an old issue:
>>> I have several mailing lists and everywhere there is closedml set to
>>> "1". However, anybody is able to send mail to the list. There are no
>>> restrictions at all. Is there a fix available?
>>> The version is V1.21/Win32. And I'm using psync for all incoming 
>>> mail, and there are domain aliases
>>> Regards
>>> Martin Schmid
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