The BIG problem is to find when to send the error or not as spammers
generaly use legitimate emails as 'From'*/'MAIL FROM' !!

The best is to use filtering tools like glst (will eliminate 90% spammers
how connect directly to your server) and then spamassassin like products to
qualify possible spams from legitimate servers for the reminding mails ....


-----Message d'origine-----
De: Jeff Buehler
Date: 17/07/05 23:10
Objet: [xmail] Re: undeliverable message auto delete

Thanks, Sönke -

I was hoping to keep them in the queue for awhile, but I am collecting 
500 or more undeliverables a day presently since I am forwarding to a 
domain that is getting heavily spammed.

When spammers send spam to bogus users at the busy Exchange server I am 
forwarding to, it predicatably sends back the "user doesn't exist" 
message, then xmail correctly attempts to send that back to the spammer 
who, of course, doesn't accept incoming mail, and so the message is 

Are you aeware of a better way to handle this sort of interaction?  I 
could create a user to match every user on the Exchange server and at 
least cut out a hop, but XMail will still then try to send the "no user 
by that name" reply back to the spammer.  I guess it's important to 
notify valid senders to the domain that a given user doesn't exist, 
though...  Is that an RFC requirement?

In the meantime, I am going to turn on RemoveSpoolErrors as you 
mentioned just so I don't have to go empty out the undeliverable queue 
every three days manually.

Thanks again!


Sönke Ruempler wrote:

>Hi Jeff,
>On 17.07.2005 22:53, Jeff Buehler wrote:
>>Does anyone know of an existing solution for the auto-deletion of 
>>undeliverable messages in XMail?  I am running FreeBSD.
>>Writing something to remove them all periodically would be pretty
>>but I would like something that allows a settable "time to collect
>>before removing undeliverables in the FROZ directory, which seems like

>>it might be useful to a lot of people.  I guess this wouldn't be too 
>>difficult to write either - just query the present date against the
>>creation date.  But it would still be easier to use someone elses 
>>already working solution, if one exists!
>The only switch that XMail provides at present is the
>    Indicate if mail has to be removed or stored in 'froz' directory
>after a failure in delivery or filtering.
>So errors are removed just in time.
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