Michal Altair Valasek wrote:

>I think that it may be some bug in Xmail - message is accepted as valid at
>input, but is not valid at output. I am not C programmer, so I cannot
>investigate the source. I would try to collect offending messages and find
>exact cause. Some messages have text, which does not end with CRLF, and such
>messages always fail. 
Are you certain that there is no POP3 proxy in the way, such as Norton’s 

Both Symantec and MacAfee antispam products will cause the same behavior 
you describe. Emails with a null byte (00h) in the body cause this 
problem. Filtering email with null bytes solves this problem for me, but 
this can be a great amount of overhead and something I think xmail 
should handle on its own.

Most other mail servers will reject email with null bytes, even though 
null bytes in the body are technically compliant.


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