Hi Charlie -

Well, I'm uncertain what to tell you.  My suspicion, since I have heard 
of no one having this particular sort of problem (there is a large XMail 
user base running 1.21 on Linux) is that there is something being 
overlooked.  I would double check your findings as "scientifically" as 
possible, and make absolutely certain that what you think you are seeing 
is really what you are seeing.  Make certain that the addresses you are 
using are all valid, that the logs are definately not reporting anything 
strange, your XMail server.tab settings look right, and so on.

If you are certain about your findings, then I would start looking at 
other apps that may be interfering or trying to bind to the ports, such 
as Sendmail (which should be disabled, or at least XMail and Sendmail 
should be binding to different ports).  If that all looks good, I would 
test your connection to make certain that packets aren't dropping or 
something.  make certain your MTU setting is correct (if you are 
connecting via DSL PPP then it is likely less than the default of 1500 
as I recall).  I have had incorrect MTU settings cause intermittent 
failures that can be difficult to pin down.

Without at least one or two other people verifying the findings or 
seeing the behavior, it probably indicates to an misconfiguration (of 
some sort) or an anomaly on your system.  Did you try searching the 
forums for any similar user experiences?


Charlie Qualls wrote:

>Hey there Jeff,
>I forgot, this also happens if listing several people in the "to"
>address field. I don't know how many before it balks though.

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