I am familiar with that thread, but I am not certain that these problems 
are exactly the same (I think there are some confusing crossovers in the 
original thread, which was very protracted).

I am running FreeBSD 5.4, Bind 9.31.

I do not get simple "end of socket stream data" messages - this one is 
the only one I have been getting (550-EarthLink does not recognize your 
computer ( as connecting from an EarthLink connection. If 
this is in error, please contact technical support) and just recently.  
I do not have problems sending to Hotmail.

The Microsoft DNS does seem to have a problem that is related as it 
leads to the same errors, but in my case does not apply (at least not 
directly).  Check this out:


So, I am not certain that the problem you refer to and this are exactly 
related, although they are certainly related to some degree.  I vaguely 
recall, however, that XMail does do an A record check if the MX records 
fail, is that right?  I guess that is what I am trying to verify at the 
moment, since according to what I have read this would lead to a problem 
with the Earthlink servers specifically if all MX sends failed.

The only other reference I found that might be of help was that 
Earthlink seems to change their DNS regularly, and that bogus DNS 
caching might be related.  To that end I deleted the DNS entries from 
MailRoot -> dnscache->MX, which might have helped (hard to verify).


Tony Shiffer wrote:

>This is an old and persistent issue.  It has been discussed a great deal 
>here, but I believe the last word was that Davide does not believe it is 
>happening, or assigns blame to using a Microsoft DNS server.
>I have seen several fixes, but they seem to revolve around using 
>SMARTDNSHOST.  Davide (I seem to remember anyway) just says always to blame 
>Microsoft DNS - and not use it.  Others (such as us) have found that just 
>using SMARTDNSHOST solves the issue - even when a M$ DNS server is what it 
>points to.
>The EarthLink error is a classic - because it returns PLENTY of information 
>to help troubleshoot (although it hasn't been so helpful for folks on this 
>list who have the problem).  Other manifestations of this error seem to be 
>when the receiving server just slams the connection shut instead of 
>providing a 550 message as EarthLink does.  In those cases, xmail simply 
>reports an "end of socket stream data" - which is true enough, but not so 
>helpful in troubleshooting.
>Are you on *ix or Windows?
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Jeff Buehler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <xmail@xmailserver.org>
>Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 2:39 PM
>Subject: [xmail] earthlink
>>Hi All -
>>it seems to me that this may have been covered, but I wasn't able to
>>find any XMail specific references to it:
>>Sending to Earthlink, my customers are getting a number of seemingly
>>intermittent errros as follows:
>>550-EarthLink does not recognize your computer ( as
>>connecting from an EarthLink connection.  If this is in error, please
>>contact technical support.
>>550 relaying to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> prohibited by administrator
>>It would seem, after some research, that this is because of a DNS
>>problem in which the following occurs (according to Earthlink):
>>.... are due to an improper MTA configuration with the host that is
>>responsible for delivering outbound mail on your network. In a nutshell,
>>the mail server which attempted to deliver mail to the earthlink.net
>>e-mail address was initially unable to successfully deliver the mail to
>>the earthlink.net MX (more than likely due to high load on our end, no
>>Earthlink MX host was available to accept the transaction at the moment
>>of the delivery attempt), and so the Earthlink A record was attempted by
>>the sending mail server. The earthlink.net A record, however, forwards
>>port 25 connections to our outbound SMTP servers. Unless the mail server
>>attempting the transaction maintains IP connectivity through the
>>Earthlink network, delivery attempts through the A record will
>>consequently fail and the above quoted error message will be returned.
>>on the same site where I found the most helpful information on this
>>(http://forums.smartertools.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3872) this is also
>>The behavior exhibited by the sending mail server, in this case, is not
>>standard. According to RFC 2821, "Address Resolution and Mail Handling":
>>"If one or more MX RRs are found for a given name, SMTP systems MUST NOT
>>utilize any A RRs associated with that name unless they are located
>>using the MX RRs; the "implicit MX" rule above applies only if there are
>>no MX records present. If MX records are present, but none of them are
>>usable, this situation MUST be reported as an error."
>>Does anyone have any recommendations or suggestions about this?  Does
>>version 1.23 correct the attempt to send to an A record, or is that is
>>even what may be happening?  I recall a lot of commentary recently on
>>the DNS/A record issue, but I can't recall (and I have not kept) the
>>email thread about that.  Is anyone else having this problem?
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