Hello List,

because of the amount of Virus-Emails we are facing a major problem now.
First let me explain our current MX-Constellation:

- Mail for exmaple.com has MX-Entries to mx.waaf.net
- mx.waaf.net are several machines running postfix/virusscanner
- if the email passes all tests it is delivered to the final destination
machine running xmail
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] also sent email through this xmail-box.

Now there are more and more viruses that don't care about MX-Records and
drectly try to deliver mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to mail.exmaple.com.
Mail.example.com resolves to the xmail-box.

My solution to get rid of this non-filtered Virus-Emails is to only
allow SMTP-connections to the xmail-box from our subnets, where the
mx.waaf.net machines are located _AND_ from authorized IP-adresses

I just tried to use smtp.ipmap.tab - but with the result that only the
mentioned subnets where allowed to relay and authoriezed IP-adresses
where denied.

Does anybody have a hint?

Thanks a lot,


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