Hello Folks-

I'm running XMail and Apache2 on a SuSE 9.2 box. Both servers have been up and 
running normally for months. I'm creating a web page that uses the php mail() 
function to send the data from a form. The php scripts work as expected 
except for the mail() function which fails.

My question:
If I run XMail in debug mode will I see an entry for any attempt to access the 
sendmail module, or will I only see an error if the connection is successful 
but the data is formatted wrong?

I would expect that any attempt to connect would be displayed, but for some 
reason I'm not seeing anything at all. I've even tried connecting directly 

$fd = popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail","w");
fputs($fd, ......

Nothing. Yet I can log on and send mail from the command line using mail 
without problems. Any tips on getting the php mail() function to work with 
XMail? I'm running low on ideas here.

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