Hrhr, 4Mb log in just half a minute. ;o)

Well, being quick and all, I found this:

32066 read(8,
, 4096) = 61
32066 pipe([9, 10])                     = 0
32066 pipe([11, 12])                    = 0
32066 clone(child_stack=0,
child_tidptr=0x4d260bf8) = -1 ENOMEM (Cannot allocate memory)
32066 close(12)                         = 0
32066 close(11)                         = 0
32066 close(10)                         = 0
32066 close(9)                          = 0
32066 write(1, "SMTP filter error (-97): Filter =
\"/var/MailRoot/filters/glst/glst\"\n", 68) = 68

Same thing with all filters.

Though, the command 'free -m' (-m = Mb) gives this output:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          8100       6993       1106          0        682       4106
-/+ buffers/cache:       2203       5896
Swap:         8001          0       8001

Something tells me this is reporting the whole servers memory information
and not my VPS-server.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Skickat: den 18 maj 2006 09:07
Ämne: [xmail] Re: SV: Re: SV: Re: SV: Re: Fork error


Have you check the shell limits to be sure it's not doing something crazy ?
To see all the limits, run:

ulimit -a

"open files" and "user processes" are the numbers you'll want to look for

Check `dmesg` for errors as well.

If that doesn't help, then:

strace -f -v -s 500 -o mylog.txt /how/you/start/xmail 

let it run long enough to catch a few failed forks and kill it.
Then enjoy the tedious work of stepping through mylog.txt to see where it's
failing exactly and if it gives you anymore information about why..

There could also be a fork() limit from the VPS as well, so you might want
to ask your provider for info/help as well.

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