>> >> I've made an attempt to move my xmail to a VPS-server (virtual 
>> >> private
>> >> server) situated in a large hosting company in Sweden. The whole 
>> >> idea sounded really great since they could provide me with a more 
>> >> stable internet connection than I presently have. The downside is 
>> >> of cource I have limited knowledge of the box I'm running. Other 
>> >> than it's a CentOS distribution, I know nothing. :P
>> >>
>> >> My probkem is I'm getting an error message every time a filter is 
>> >> supposed to run. This is an error I've never seen before:
>> >>
>> >> May 16 09:43:53 216892 XMail[25850]: Filter error (-97): Sender = 
>> >> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Recipient = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Filter = 
>> >> "/var/MailRoot/bin/sa_filter.pl"
>> >>
>> >> May 16 17:36:07 216892 XMail[28404]: SMTP filter error (-97): 
>> >> Filter = "/var/MailRoot/filters/glst/glst"
>> >>
>> >> May 17 04:03:12 216892 XMail[22001]: Filter error (-97): Sender = 
>> >> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Recipient = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
>> >> Filter = "/var/MailRoot/filters/checkvirus.pl"
>> >>
>> >> According to documentation this means "Error in function {fork}". 
>> >> This is where I'm stuck. The error seems to prevent the filters to 
>> >> even begin to run. So, this is where I'm stuck.
>> >>
>> >> Any ideas, anyone?
>> >
>> >Check the paths defined in the scripts or in the config files. The  
>> >absolute
>> path to
>> >$MailRoot has probably changed but wasn't updated for these scripts.
>> >
>> >Jeff
>> Hi Jeff!
>> No, the paths are the same. I've used the patented copy&paste-method 
>> to verify that several times.

>Are the scripts are executable? Problems with permissions throw that error.

Yes, things can be run manually. The problem seems to be with xmail fireing
up the scripts. I think I'm on a bad setup, I've never seen this kind of
behavour before.

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