After getting lots of mail rejected by Earthlink and others because of
domain name A records instead of MX records, about a year ago I made the
following changes to SMAILSrv.cpp:

In the USmtpGetFwdGateways() function I added the following code at about
line 782:

        if ( ppszMXGWs == NULL ) {
                 MXS_HANDLE hMXSHandle = USmtpGetMXFirst( hSvrConfig,
pszDestDomain, szDomainMXHost );

ADDED:  if ( hMXSHandle == INVALID_MXS_HANDLE ) {       // fix for failing
toget MX record.
ADDED:           Sleep( 5000 );  // wait 5 seconds and try again
ADDED:           hMXSHandle = USmtpGetMXFirst( hSvrConfig, pszDestDomain,
szDomainMXHost );

                 if ( hMXSHandle != INVALID_MXS_HANDLE ) {

A bit of a kludge but I have not seen the problem since.

At 06:30 AM 22/05/2006, you wrote:

Hello Davide

I restart here the various 'dns problems' for smtp delivery from xmail =
I have more and more complains about users saying our server is 'bad' =

Tom Banting                 Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Telcom Research             WEB:
[1]Voice 1 (905) 336-2450    Fax 1 (905) 336-1487 

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