On Mon, 22 May 2006, CLEMENT Francis wrote:

> First problem : Use of A domain entry (exist) even if Mx entries exist =
> for
> the destination domain
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> Below is the xmail error report (relay denied but this is not the real
> problem) when sending mail to a account at ifrance.com=20
> ************************
> [<00>] XMail bounce: [EMAIL PROTECTED];Error=3D[554
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Relay access denied]
> [<01>] Error sending message [1119891256115.696.887d.mail0] from
> [groupeab.com].
> ID:        <S30313>
> Mail From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Rcpt To:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Server:    <ifrance.com> [ifrance.com]
> [<02>] The reason of the delivery failure was:
> 554 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Relay access denied
> [<04>] Here is listed the message log file:
> [PeekTime] 1119890607 : Mon, 20 May 2005 18:43:27 +0200
> <<
> ErrCode   =3D -82
> ErrString =3D [RCPT TO:] not permitted by remote SMTP server
> ErrInfo   =3D 554 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Relay access denied
> SMAIL SMTP-Send FF =3D "ifrance.com" SMTP =3D "mx.groupeab.com" From =
> =3D
> SMTP-Error =3D "554 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Relay access denied"
> SMTP-Server =3D "ifrance.com"

I tried to send a mail to a fake account on ifrance.com, and after exactly 
10 seconds I've got a "not existing mailbox" from their MX. Prolly you hit 
a temporary network problem on either your or their side.
BTW, ifrance.com has *one* MX server (mailrecv.ifrance.com.), not many.

> Second problem : On no existing destination domains, Xmail don't return
> immediatly a NDR but start the 'normal' retry process
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> Below is the xmail file report when sending mail to a account at 'no
> existing' domain 'apem.gr'
> ************************
> [PeekTime] 1147966006 : Thu, 18 May 2006 17:26:46 +0200
> <<
> ErrCode   =3D -40
> ErrString =3D Invalid server address
> ErrInfo   =3D apem.gr
> SMAIL SMTP-Send FF =3D "apem.gr" SMTP =3D "mx.groupeab.com" From =3D
> SMTP-Error =3D "417 Temporary delivery error"
> SMTP-Server =3D "apem.gr"
> [PeekTime] 1147990673 : Fri, 19 May 2006 00:17:53 +0200
> <<
> ErrCode   =3D -40
> ErrString =3D Invalid server address
> ErrInfo   =3D apem.gr
> SMAIL SMTP-Send FF =3D "apem.gr" SMTP =3D "mx.groupeab.com" From =3D
> SMTP-Error =3D "417 Temporary delivery error"
> SMTP-Server =3D "apem.gr"
> [PeekTime] 1147998436 : Fri, 19 May 2006 02:27:16 +0200
> [PeekTime] 1148015781 : Fri, 19 May 2006 07:16:21 +0200
> <<
> ErrCode   =3D -40
> ErrString =3D Invalid server address
> ErrInfo   =3D apem.gr
> SMAIL SMTP-Send FF =3D "apem.gr" SMTP =3D "mx.groupeab.com" From =3D
> SMTP-Error =3D "417 Temporary delivery error"
> SMTP-Server =3D "apem.gr"
> ..
> ..
> (same til last retry then ndr send to sender).
> ************************
> Dns lookup for agem.gr returns 'No existing domain' (from xmail server =
> or
> microsoft dns server), as dnsreport too
> (http://www.dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.ch?domain=3Dapem.gr)
> Xmail try to send and retries, retries, until the final retry. So the =
> Ndr is
> received only one or two days (depending of the retry parameter) after =
> the
> initial sending (many customers send and resend the mail during this =
> retry
> period because the receiver tell them no mail coming ! so the queue =
> generaly
> have multiple times the same mail 'waiting' for 'nothing')
> This is not a problem for me as many others reasons need to 'retry' =
> (real
> '417' error from destination server for example) but for no existing =
> domain,
> I think the ndr must be immediate as it is equivalent to a 5xx error
> (permanent error).

This could be changed, maybe being configuration based.

- Davide

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