Hmm,  In that case, it would have been easier to remove the FLAG=VAL part of
the Doco, as so far not additional functionality was produced.

I suppose that the meaning of "aex" is "Auth user EXcluded". (true or false)
==> if true then don't run this filter.
Perhaps what I'm looking for is "auth", where it has state (or value) of

Then it might mean more, when you say ==> if true then run this filter.

It just means that currently I cannot use the logic to run a program only on
un-auth'd mail.

Rob :-)
Note To Self: Remember to put something witty here later...

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Davide Libenzi
Sent: Monday, 20 November 2006 11:35 AM
Subject: [xmail] Re: filter aex & wlex

On Sun, 19 Nov 2006, Mike Harrington wrote:

> In the example:
> "!aex=1"[tab]"prog"      <- user is auth'd
> "!aex=0"[tab]"prog"      <- user is not auth'd
> I thought it stated that an auth'd user will NOT run the first of the 
> two, and a non-authed user would run both?  Am I missing something?

Correct. The second format is brain-demaged and parsed only to comply to the
VAR=VAL filter flag generic rule.

- Davide

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