Hi Davide -

Using top, XMailis the active process using CPU. However, perhaps it would 
display that way if the fault was with OpenSSL, which I am using.  However, 
I am using the FreeBSD 6.2 standard port and having no problems with other 
SSl uses on thisd system.  Also, I beleive (unhless I am doing something 
incorrectly) that I have discabled the use of SSL completely - does XMail 
still make calls to OpenSSL even if SSL is unused?

I am setting in server.tab:
"SSLWantVerify"    "0"
"SSLWantCert"    "0"
"SSLAllowSelfSigned"    "1"
"SSLUseCertsFile"    "0"
"SSLUseCertsDir"    "0"
"EnableSMTP-TLS"    "0"

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Davide Libenzi" <davidel@xmailserver.org>
To: "Xmail Mailing List" <xmail@xmailserver.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:52 PM
Subject: [xmail] Re: xmail 1.24 smtp timeouts

> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Jeff Buehler wrote:
>> Hi Everyone -
>> I have been getting XMail timeouts, along with CPU use going up to
>> something like 98%, after upgrading to 1.24.  I am not 100% certain that
>> the upgrade is what is causing this, so I am looking for ideas.  I did
>> not have any problems with 1.23, and I don't think that I am seeing any
>> more traffic than I did when using 1.23.
>> I am running FreeBSD 6.2, and saw this with 1.24 under 6.1 also.  My
>> configuration is a bit unusual.  ASSP is receiving socket 25/587 ->
>> ClamSMTP -> Xmail, but XMail is the executable that seems to be getting
>> "overwhelmed".
> One thing that I googled time ago that was making openssl for have large
> delays, was related to the lack of a good source of entropy. But if you're
> not using openssl, that's never get triggered.
> Also, are you sure it's XMail sucking CPU?
> - Davide
> -
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