On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Jeff Buehler wrote:

>  Thanks for the info, Francesco.   Obviously, I spend a lot of time going
> through the documentation (since all of that is right there in the docs and
> Ihad only "EnableSMTP-TLS"[TAB]"0"!)
> Do you think it reasonable to assume that I might see a performance increase
> after completely disabling all SSL functionality this way, or might I be
> "barking up the wrong tree"?  Ultimately I may use SSL, but right now I have
> no need real for it...  I am traveling to Germany/Paris in two days, and it
> would be nice if my mail server didn't keep locking up while I'm away!

I can't be openssl. If openssl is working fine with other apps, then the 
library is ok. IMO it's somthing else.

- Davide

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