On 31 May 2007, at 12:32, Davide Libenzi wrote:

> On Thu, 31 May 2007, David Lord wrote:
> > I used same commandline as for pre11. From your original post I 
> > understood that the IPV6 options were only needed if there was an 
> > active IPV6 connection which I no longer have working.
> > 
> > "-Md -Mr 168 -Pl -Pw 12 -Sl -Ql -Qg -Qt 907 -Qi 1 -Qr 9
> >  -Yl -Fl -Cl -Ll -Yi 1380 -Lt 19"
> > 
> > It could be the 1 hr outage yesterday has caused some problem with 
> > mail delivery to lordynet.me.uk but I've not seen reports of this. 
> > DNS-stuff indicates higher priority MX is giving 550 response to a 
> > valid user. That looks like it may be a different problem though. 
> > I'll ask on isp's irc channel.
> My pre14 is running w/out problems at xmailserver.org. I disabled IPV6 
> options because GLST is not working ATM. But it ran fine with GLST 
> disabled for a while (modulo some SPAM messages getting through :)
> Another thing to keep in mind, is that, if your parse IP addresses emitted 
> by XMail (with IPV6 options enabled), IPs are in IPV6 format. Connections 
> coming though a mapped IPV4 network will have the format:
> ::ffff:XXX.YYY.WWW.ZZZ

Yes but I don't have any form of IPV6 connectivity, native or via a 
tunnel or otherwise. That doesn't stop host lookups from returning 
ipv6 addresses to queries which does cause me some problems where 
applications don't have a -4 option.

With pre11 I don't see any problem. With pre14 I only seem to have a 
problem with delivery to my lordynet.me.uk domain which always gives 
the ErrCode = -3 Network kernel error. On switching back to pre11 all 
the still queued failed emails go out ok.

freezone.co.uk mail is handled by 10 mx1.freezone.co.uk.
freezone.co.uk mail is handled by 10 mx2.freezone.co.uk.
mx1.freezone.co.uk has address
mx1.freezone.co.uk has address
mx1.freezone.co.uk has address
mx2.freezone.co.uk has address
mx2.freezone.co.uk has address
mx2.freezone.co.uk has address

lordynet.me.uk mail is handled by 30 tertiary-mx.co.uk.
lordynet.me.uk mail is handled by 20 C.secondary-mx.co.uk.
C.secondary-mx.co.uk has address
C.secondary-mx.co.uk has IPv6 address 2001:8b0:0:81::51bb:510d
tertiary-mx.co.uk has address
tertiary-mx.co.uk has IPv6 address 2001:8b0:0:30::51bb:1e2a

When I get a lot of extra time I'll reconfigure firewall so I can use 
the spare to send emails and Pegasus to use the spare as smarthost. 

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