On Wed, 13 Jun 2007, David Lord wrote:

> Ok that allowed me to send from dos box and now accepted by xmail but 
> I still get reject from mail.lordynet.me.uk
> Below are xmail commandline, failure message and capture of telnet 
> session from local mail.lordynet.org to mail.lordynet.me.uk at isp.
> Do I need to change any of .tab files in /var/MailRoot in order to 
> support ip6?
>     # sysctl net.inet6.ip6.v6only
>     net.inet6.ip6.v6only = 0
>     # grep '^XMAIL_CMD' /etc/rc.d/xmail
>     XMAIL_CMD_LINE="-M7 -Md -Mr 168 -Pl -Pw 12 -Sl -Ql -Qg -Qt 907 -Qi 1 -Qr 
> 9"
>     XMAIL_CMD_LINE="$XMAIL_CMD_LINE -P6 -S6 -Yl -Fl -Cl -Ll  -Yi 1380 -Lt 19"

There was a bug in -M7 mode. XMail was getting the IPV6 address (when 
available), but then it was creating an IPV4 socket. Duh!
Will be making pre16 later today.

> telnet session:
>     bash-3.00$ host k6x400
>     k6x400.home.lordynet.org has address
>     bash-3.00$ host mail.lordynet.org
>     mail.lordynet.org has address
>     bash-3.00$ telnet -6 mail.lordynet.me.uk 25
>     Trying 2001:8b0:0:81::51bb:510d...
>     Connected to C.mail.aaisp.net.uk.
>     Escape character is '^]'.
>     220-c.hopeless.aaisp.net.uk ESMTP Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:07:08 +0100
>     220 Welcome
>     ehlo mail.lordynet.org
>     250-c.hopeless.aaisp.net.uk Hello mail.lordynet.org [2001:8b0:1c7:1::1]
>     250-SIZE 1048576000
>     250-PIPELINING
>     250 HELP
>     250 OK
>     250 Accepted
>     QUIT
>     221 c.hopeless.aaisp.net.uk closing connection
>     Connection closed by foreign host.
>     bash-3.00$

Hmmm, this is not XMail, is it?

- Davide

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