On Mon, 10 Dec 2007, Edinilson - ATINET wrote:
> Hi all,
> Due some persistent problems with Outlook and Outlook Express with SMTP 
> Authentication, we are instructing some companies that uses our services to 
> install XMail Server internally.
> But in Brazil many adsl connections uses dynamic ips and so we canĀ“t open 
> these ips in our smtprelay.tab
> Is there any way to instruct our XMail Server to accept these messages that 
> are being forwarded from these clients without use smtprelay.tab?

If you want to get meaningful answers, and hince use other ppl time, you 
need to spend your own time in documenting and explaining the problem. As 
it is written above, I didn't understand sh*t of what you're talking 

- Davide

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