Thanks for the advice Davide!=20
So I inquired the next issue with the '-ERR Invalid auth or access
denied' error. I have inserted/edit many debug points in the source
code. I found where the problem was:

* In POP3Utils.cpp:

POP3_HANDLE UPopBuildSession(const char *pszDomain, const char
                             const char *pszUsrPass, SYS_INET_ADDR const
        if (pszUsrPass !=3D NULL && strcmp(pszUsrPass, pUI->pszPassword)
!=3D 0) {
                return INVALID_POP3_HANDLE;
        printf("[POP3Utils.cpp] UPopBuildSession[1]:\n"); // I reach
this checkpoint
        if (UsrPOP3Lock(pUI) < 0) {
                return INVALID_POP3_HANDLE;
        printf("[POP3Utils.cpp] UPopBuildSession[2]:\n"); // Checkpoint
not reached [!]

Here clearly saw that the password validation was ok after issuing 'PASS
the_passwd' to the server. After it, was necessary to add the next

* In UsrUtils.cpp:

int UsrPOP3Lock(UserInfo *pUI)
        char szLockPath[SYS_MAX_PATH] =3D "";

        UsrGetPop3LocksPath(pUI, szLockPath, sizeof(szLockPath));
        printf("[UsrUtils.cpp] UsrPOP3Lock[1]: szLockPath =3D %s\n",
        if (SysLockFile(szLockPath) < 0)
                return ErrGetErrorCode();

        return 0;

That threw straight to my eyes:
[UsrUtils.cpp] UsrPOP3Lock[1]: szLockPath =3D
/var/lib/xmail/pop3locks/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

And not, the directory 'pop3locks' didn't exist! After reviewing the
documentation, paying special attention to the "MailRoot structure"
section, I realized that still many directories were not yet created...
So, I crated the as appointed by the doc, and problem fixed! xDD

So, again, the most valuable advice once again was: read the docs
carefully! xDDDD

Only one proposal for the xmail developers: maybe to be more specific
with the '-ERR Invalid auth or access denied' message, to differentiate
whether the fail is owed to authentication or to file
creation/manipulation... ;)



-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Davide Libenzi
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 10:26 PM
Subject: [xmail] Re: -ERR Invalid Syntax on PASS command (POP)

On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:

> In /MailRoot/
>       "" "xmailuser"     ""      1       "xmailuser"
>       "" "user1"  "54575651"      2       "user1"  "U"
>      =3D20
> I send a message from 'user1' to 'xmailuser', and seems to reach
> destiny:
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/MailRoot/domains/
> ls -la
>       total 12
>       drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2008-02-21 15:59 .
>       drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 2008-02-21 11:09 ..
>       -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root  631 2008-02-21 15:33
> 1203609577597.3077888912.0.rigel
> When I try to retrieve mail for 'xmailuser' I get the following error:
>       -ERR Invalid syntax
> Maybe Xmail doesn't accept empty passwords?

POP3 does not accept empty passwords:

- Davide

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