I have two independent xmail servers in two physical locations, each hosting a single domain. The second server is also configured to relay emails received for the first domain to the first server. Finally the MX records of the first domain contain two entries: the first entry points to the first server and second entry points to the second server.

Thus, emails for the first domain normally go to the first server, but if it is not reachable they go to the second server, and it forwards them to the first server. emails for the second domain are only processed by the second server.

Both servers are configured to use CustMapsList, with a delay of 3 seconds from email from suspected sources (i.e. "CustMapsList" "zen.spamhaus.org:-3") That effectively cuts out all spam... except for spam sent to the first domain through the second server.

My hypothesis is that email send to a custom domain at the second server is immediately relayed to the first server without checking. At the first server the source of the email appears to be the second server and thus is not rejected.

Is the above correct and is there a workaround?

XMail 1.22
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