
I just upgraded to Xmail 1.25-4 on my OpenWrt (previous version was OK), and 
got the following error:

telnet my.server 25
Trying myaddress...
Connected to my.server.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 my.server <1234877073.45...@my.server> [XMail 1.25 ESMTP Server] service 
ready; Tue, 17 Feb 2009 14:24:33 +0100
helo my.server
250 my.server
Mail from: <k...@address>
250 OK
Rcpt to: <k...@my.server>
550 Relay denied

Probably I messed up something in the configuration files. I just want only 
the local delivery to be enabled. I couldn't find the corresponding config 
file entry.
Authenticated connections are OK.

Thanx in advance
K. Gy.
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