On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Kövesdi György wrote:

> I made a full reinstall, and the result is changed:
> Rcpt to: <k...@teledigit.hu>
> 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
> It sounds like the disk would be full, but it has some Gb free space.
> The server.tab contains:
> "SmtpMinDiskSpace"      "10000"
> "SmtpMinVirtMemSpace"   "4000"
> "Pop3MinVirtMemSpace"   "4000"
> Probably there can be some very basic problem.

IMO the text file was changed by hand, w/out proper restart. Many of XMail 
config file can be edited with XMail "live", and everythign will work 
fine. But some of them are indexed, and you cannot change them while XMail 
is running.
If you simply append data, data won't be visible, while if you edit 
content in the middle, XMail can mis-behave.
The documentation explicitly tells which files are indexed and require 
such care.

- Davide

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