> > - Windows Server 2008 R2 x64; didn't tried it yet on other OS
> I can assure you it works, otherwise a bug like that lasting almost
> years, would have had a lost of people jumping all over the places ;)
> This must be something related to that version of Windows (since the
> binary it's always the same).

I was trying to say that I didn't tried it on x64 Windows 2003 and x64
Windows 2008. I suppose that there would not be much users running x64
Windows on mail server and with the setup, so it *might* go unnoticed.
But it might also be problem related to R2, since R2 is quite fresh.

> It's also pretty hard to debug, since I've got no 64bit Windows box
> plans to have one any time soon either).

The problem can be solved quite easily. If needed, I can setup x64 test
server for you, just ask. Or you can use virtualization and run it
locally. VBox from Sun is running almost everywhere and supports running
x64 system even under x86 host. 

> > When XMail receives message intended for external delivery via SMTP
> > LMAIL, the message disappears without trace. There is no message in
> > spool and there is no record of any activity in SMAIL log. If the
> > is local, no error message is delivered to his mailbox.
> This is really really wierd. I'll probably need your help with this,
> giving you a debug EXE that spits out a bunch of messages.

No problem, go ahead, I'll be happy to help. Just please don't send it
by e-mail, since my server rejects all executables. Upload it somewhere
and send me a link.

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