On Thu, 22 Oct 2009, Michal A. Valasek wrote:

> > > - Windows Server 2008 R2 x64; didn't tried it yet on other OS
> > 
> > I can assure you it works, otherwise a bug like that lasting almost
> two
> > years, would have had a lost of people jumping all over the places ;)
> > This must be something related to that version of Windows (since the
> > binary it's always the same).
> I was trying to say that I didn't tried it on x64 Windows 2003 and x64
> Windows 2008. I suppose that there would not be much users running x64
> Windows on mail server and with the setup, so it *might* go unnoticed.

Messages not delivered remotely, unnoticed?!? I strongly doubt that.

> But it might also be problem related to R2, since R2 is quite fresh.

Much, much, much, more likely.

> > It's also pretty hard to debug, since I've got no 64bit Windows box
> (no
> > plans to have one any time soon either).
> The problem can be solved quite easily. If needed, I can setup x64 test
> server for you, just ask. Or you can use virtualization and run it
> locally. VBox from Sun is running almost everywhere and supports running
> x64 system even under x86 host. 

Oh, I can run any Windows (we have MSDN here) on KVM too, actually.
It's just that this comes to a very low priority, since it is almost 100% 
related to a buggy Windows release. The same binary working with 100% 
reliability on other Windows kinda proves it.
Looking into it, is more like a curiosity deal for me at this time.

- Davide

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