On Tue, 27 Oct 2009, Emmanuel Gonzalez wrote:

>           Hi there,
> I want to set up a local Xmail server (on a 192.168.x.x network with very
> very low bandwidth) that will download and synchronize the emails from an
> other Xmail located at my ISP for a specific domain (eg: ABCD.COM). The
> Xmail at my ISP is hosting 10 domains.
> Configuration :
> ---------------
> I have an Xmail server running at my ISP
> I have installed in an office on a private network (192.168.1.X) an other
> xmail (localhost) that should popup only the domain ABCD.COM and get the
> email for all accounts
> For each account in the xmail (192.168.1.x) I have created in POP3LINKS.TAB
> :
> "localhost"[TAB]"local-account"[TAB]"ABCD.com"[TAB]=>"external-account"[TAB]
> "external-password"[TAB]"CLR"[NEWLINE]
> In the Server.tab, to route mails, I have put in DefaultSMTPGateways, the
> SMTP of ABCD.COM (and also in smtpfwd.tab I have added
> "*"[TAB]"smtpOfABCD.com"[CR][LF])
> Question : 
> ----------
> How do I configure XMail on 192.168.1.X to download the mail from ABCD.COM
> every 10 minutes etc? (Xmail is doing that kind of stuff?)

Reading the documents helps at times (look for PSYNC):


Try adding "-Yi 600" to your command line.

- Davide

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