At 11.36 17/12/09, you wrote:

Strange !?
On my install (win32), no ssl enables with variables and I never
had any SSL issue

Like 99% users, I think. Copying and creating the SSL stuff is not that terrible, of course, but merging a diff is even faster ;-) provided someone has made the diff for you. Since Stephan has done the job for us, I still think it might be useful to post its patch on the XMail home page. But let's wait for Davide's verdict.

I only created the cert files server.key and server.cert, but don't know if
it was really necessary then ssl is completly disabled in

Without the cert files you get errors in the SMTP log, perhaps you can still receive mail, I don't remember.

For the last win32 CtrlClnt issue (local CtrlClnt on xmail server did not
work), don't know if it was a SSL problem

It was. My patched SSL-free CtrlClnt.exe was not affected.

Ciao, Francesco

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