wow. you assume big time.

ummm wild guess? ummm YEP!
now that I have, and didn't get the answer, hmmmm guess you won't be
helping me eh?

this isn't the only mailling list I have been on.
please don't waste YOUR time, which I know is valuable, and MY time,
by assuming...
you know.. ass out of you, and ass out of me?

Yes I read the docs. I have xmail up and running on a windows box.
been in the IT industry for over 15 years.. *yawn* RTFM.. yea yea.
well i did...
i have it up and running, but for the likes of me, I can't find any

hence... I know this may be a very alien concept for you Davide: I
thought i'd sign up to the mailling list to see if I can get some

wow, what a concept eh?
a mailling list so you can ask questions.

anyhow, enough of the rant (hey, you had it coming, since you made an
ass out of yourself).

so, I am humbling asking anyone in this mailling list, that is of
positive nature, if it IS possible to do the pop3 MANUAL retreival via
COMMAND LINE, to grap the emails from a remote POP3 account, very
simular to "fetch mail". I don't want fetchmail, because I don't want
to install CygWin...

I want to do this manually, because I'm going to be setting up stunnel
to send AND  receive emails MANUALLY every 10 minutes.

if anyone would be so kind as to point me to the right tab, or how to,
I would be greatly appreciated!

thank you!


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Davide Libenzi
<> wrote:
> On Mon, 31 May 2010, William Ottley wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm looking to figure out how to manually (every 10 minutes via command 
>> line?)
>> retrieve pop3 emails from a remote mail server, and to also send
>> emails to the same remote server, via command line.
> Have you read the documentation at all?  Wild guess, no.
> - Davide
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