Hello Davide,

Sometimes my POP3 client (Mozilla Thunderbird) does no longer receive new messages from my XMail server. Some investigation shows that when the client attempts to retrieve (RETR) a particular e-mail, and XMail sends the message, the end-of-message marker is NOT on a line by itself, but rather added onto the last line of the message. It appears that the spool file for this particular message does also not have a newline at the end of the file, while other messages do. I think that this might be related.

I am not sure why sometimes such an e-mail has no newline at the end of the file. This particular e-mail was SPAM, and was modified by SpamAssassin (with some helper script to deal with the XMail header). This might have stripped off the newline.

However, even if the problem was caused by my antispam solution, I think that a crippled spool file should not break the POP3 session. Would it make sense to you to add a check to XMail to detect missing newlines (as well as incorrect end-of-message markers) while sending a message via POP3 (or SMTP)?

I'm running XMail 1.27 from the Debian repository.

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