
I have been using XMail for what must have been almost 15 years. I still prefer 
XMail for anything that does not need IMAP.

I made some small changes to the code. If anybody would be willing to pick up 
XMail and start development again, I hope that these changes can also get into 
the new version. If you need more details, let me know!

- Change the default error message for a failed pre-date or post-data filter to 
code 451 (by default this would otherwise be 554 which means there won’t be an 
other attempt). For me 451 makes much more sense. 

- Added basic support for LMTP. That way I can have XMail deliver mails to 
dovecot directly. For this, I just had to add the LHLO message next to the HELO 
and EHLO. This works for me, as with my configuration there shouldn’t be any 
event in which XMail tries to deliver one e-mail to multiple recipients via 
LTMP. I’m not sure if there might be other configurations for which more work 
would be needed for LMTP to work.

- Made XMail log a line to SMAIL log in case of delivery failure (posted 
details on this in an e-mail to this mailing list very recently).

If anybody is taking feature requests: I would be interested in a way of XMail 
talking to a “filter” via a socket. Now, for every e-mail to be filtered, a 
process has to be started. It would be much more efficient if XMail could talk 
a filter-server via a socket. That filter server could be anything, but maybe 
we could even get it to talk directly to spamd and clamd…

Bart Mortelmans

xmail mailing list

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