I was introduced to XMail by a colleague of mine.
At first it seemed cryptic and it still is for some stuff I am interested in.
I've been using it since 2003 and never looked back.

> On Sun, 24/5/15, U.Mutlu via xmail <xmail@xmailserver.org> wrote:
>  Subject: Re: [xmail] new maintainer for the 1.27 branch
>  To: "Bart Mortelmans" <b...@bim.be>, "XMail Users Mailing List" 
> <xmail@xmailserver.org>
>  Date: Sunday, 24 May, 2015, 19:07
>  Hi Bart & All,
>  Bart Mortelmans via xmail wrote on 05/16/2015 10:27 PM:
>  > I have been using XMail for what must have been almost
>  15 years. I still
>  > prefer XMail for anything that does not need IMAP.
>  I have no experience yet with Dovecot, but what does it mean
>  when
>  they say "If you already have XMail Setup and just want to
>  add in IMAP
>  support See : dovecot-setup.html"  on this webpage:
>  http://xmail.nomadcf.com/xmail-dovecot

I think what it's trying to say is : "if you have already XMail setup for
pop3/smtp, all you need is dovecot for lmtp/imap.

I have working installations with XMail / dovecot / Horde and it works
like a dream. No problems there. That has been for about seven years;
Since 2008 I think.

>  > I made some small changes to the code. If anybody would
>  be willing to pick
>  > up XMail and start development again, I hope that these
>  changes can also
 > get into the new version. If you need more details, let
>  me know!
>  Thx, since Davide is not reachable for a very long time now
>  (3+ yrs?),

WOW ! 3 Years ? I know he has a life (no pun intended) apart from
his XMail project. I also know he has developed other stuff 
(see here : http://xmailserver.org/davide.html) but I never expected for
him to just abandon XMail. It's a good project. Why would he do this ?

>  I hereby accounce my general interest in bugfixing and
>  adding new
>  features (patches and wishes of users) into the current 1.27
>  branch,
>  if time permits. I'll also setup an svn repository.

There are many nice things one could add to XMail. However I am
not a developer and I can only propose stuff.
One feature I longed for is the ability to view e-mail traffic in real-time
and also XMail be able to log incoming and outgoing messages.

>  The only problem is: at this time I can't support any other
>  OS beyond Linux.
>  will brand the new version something like "v1.27.n.linux"
>  where "n" is a counter.
>  > - Change the default error message for a failed
>  pre-date or post-data
> >  > filter to code 451 (by default this would otherwise be
>  554 which means
>  > there won’t be an other attempt). For me 451 makes
>  much more sense.
>  Can you explain how this is meant?
>  Is it the return code of the filter program like discussed
>  here? :
>  http://xmailforum.marketmix.com/index.php?showtopic=3362
>  > - Added basic support for LMTP. That way I can have
>  XMail deliver mails to
>  > dovecot directly. For this, I just had to add the LHLO
>  message next to the
>  > HELO and EHLO. This works for me, as with my
>  configuration there shouldn’t
>  > be any event in which XMail tries to deliver one e-mail
>  to multiple
>  > recipients via LTMP. I’m not sure if there might be
>  other configurations
>  > for which more work would be needed for LMTP to work.
>  This sounds not trivial :-) I must admit I have no
>  experience yet with LMTP,
>  but I saw wikipedia has a page about it:
>  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Mail_Transfer_Protocol
>  https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2033

That would be nice. To send e-mails directly (internally ?) to 
dovecot . . . . Am I getting this right ?

>  > - Made XMail log a line to SMAIL log in case of
>  delivery failure (posted
>  > details on this in an e-mail to this mailing list very
>  recently).
>  Yeah, I would need that feature too.
>  I recently added this feature into xmail:
>  spamassassin (spamd via spamc) reports, with default
>  config,
>  to every mail received by xmail the following bad score of
>  1.3:
>    "1.3 RDNS_NONE   Delivered to internal
>  network by a host with no rDNS"
>  After much research and experimenting I figured out what the
>  reason is:
>  it is the "Received:" line xmail prepends to the mail
>  depending on
>  "ReceivedHdrType" in server.tab. There are choices from 0 to
>  4, and
>  I added one more (5), and now spamassassin no more gives the
>  above spam-score.

Also nice to have sa work in some way with XMail.
Never managed to get my head round it (spamassassin,
that is).

>  > If anybody is taking feature requests: I would be
>  interested in a way of
>  > XMail talking to a “filter” via a socket. Now, for
>  every e-mail to be
>  > filtered, a process has to be started. It would be much
>  more efficient if
>  > XMail could talk a filter-server via a socket. That
>  filter server could be
>  > anything, but maybe we could even get it to talk
>  directly to spamd and
>  > clamd…
>  Yes, that's a good idea. I'll study the xmail sources.

Finally. Some mail traffic on this list after a looong time . . . .


>  -- 
>  Thx
>  Uenal

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