That argument really doesn't hold up, either.
In addition to the "global" xmamerc file(s), you can have separate rc files for 
each individual game, too.

The whole point of a frontend is to make using xmame cleaner and easier.  In 
this vein, it makes sense for the frontend programmer to provide a gui for 
manipulating the settings for xmame because, for some people, understanding and 
editing rc files is hard.

So, since all of xmame's settings can be controlled on the command line, and 
"working with rc files is hard", it's entirely too tempting to take a shortcut, 
and have the frontend store its own config files to control command-line options 
to pass to xmame, instead of going through the hassles of trying to write  
rc-file parsers and generators.

>I suppose the question is, why doesn't it just edit the xmamerc file? 
>One legitimate reason I can think of is to have a different 
>configuration for each game. 

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