yeah, I used to use it with PyDDR and StepMania. I even built homemade
dance pads using directions I found online. best weight loss program

Hope you enjoyed it. Why'd you stop? Lack of a working adapter?

should I just compile some as modules?

I prefer modules for things like USB to avoid kernel recompiles, but I guess it's not too necessary. To this day, I still hear of people having problems with compiling some things in, but I don't know how much truth there is to it.

apparently I've been using the alternate JE driver.

Yeah, use the other one. While you're at it, include EHCI HCD as well.

what bothers me the most is I only have 2 USB ports, and everything else
(USB mouse, Thrustmaster Firestorm USB Gamepad - which hates xmame)
works. which is why I thought about the backport being the culprit.

I don't think that's it, but anything's possible I suppose.

thanks for the help so far. after a kernel recompile, I'll be back with
a status report. :)

Let me know.

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