it works! it works!!! I owe you a (insert drink of choice)!!!
I didn't need to compile the USB 2.0 drivers because, sadly, my box only
has 1.1 hubs.

so glad to hear it. =] If you're anywhere near Virgina, I've already got the drinks, feel free to come by for some xmame and ddr =]

now that they're working, I'm gonna buy four more of the adapters, for
my other computers. :)


exactly. PyDDR is less fun to use when you have to resort to keyboard. I
spent $135 on homemade dance pads, so I might as well use 'em. :)
thanks again.

Send me a picture of those pads, dude! That sounds great!

Keep on gaming and in touch

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * ICQ# 1107012 * AIM/Yahoo: theGREENzebra *
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