Le 21 Décembre 2003 0301, mushroomblue a écrit :
> > I use Gentoo, 2.6 (since test-2) and ALSA as monolithic... Never had a
> > single problem with the sound...
> then perhaps the renicing XFree86 will do the trick. anyone know what
> the nice level of gentoo's xfree defaults at? cos I've never changed it.
> what's the command to set the priority back to 0? :)

Gentoo leaves it at the factory default of 0 everywhere so you should be fine 
with that.

> > Also, the weird bug with PREEMPT is *really* weird. This means it
> > happens once every 10k computers, and you know it doesn't work as soon
> > as you boot (if I recall correctly, system became really sluggish)...
> > You should activate it; it's worthwhile most of the time.
> then preemptible kernel is most certainly going back on. I almost wish I
> had a board with the preempt bug, just so I could help out with the
> fixing. :)

Yeah, I also think preempt is worth the (tiny) risk.

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