> > I have a keyboard plugged on the PS/2 port, and a X-Arcade+keyboard on an
> > USB port. (kernel is 2.6.3).
> > Everything is working perfectly under X, the second keyboard/x-arcade is
> > mapped as /dev/input/event2 and respond very well while testing it thru
> > cat /dev/input/event2
> > So, is there any way to force xmame to read its keyboard inputs from
> > /dev/input/event2, or better, making the two keyboards working hand in
> > hand
> Firstly, can't the X-Arcade do a passthru of the keyboard?

It does. As a matter of fact, there really are two keyboards plugged in. (one 
on the PS/2 port, and one chained behind the Xarcade.) Even if I don't need 
the second one (the main one is a cordless unit), it is plugged right now 
while I setup the whole thing.

> If not then, 
> not having seen your XF86Config file, you might want to try adding (or
> modifying) the following options in the ServerLayout section:
> Section "ServerLayout"
>         Identifier     "layout1"
>         Screen         "screen1" 0 0
>         InputDevice    "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
>         InputDevice    "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"
>         InputDevice    "Keyboard2" "SendCoreEvents"
> EndSection

> Section "InputDevice"
>         Identifier  "Keyboard2"
>         Driver      "Keyboard"
>         Option     "Device" "/dev/input/event2"
> EndSection

This is quite exactly how my XFree86 is set up. Though I have to specify my 
keyboard has a french layout.

> This works great for some other input devices I have, but I've never tried
> this with keyboards so you might have to play about a bit to make it work.
> This config should make both keyboards active at the same time. You might
> need some extra options for the X-arcade in the InputDevice section, I
> don't own one, but its probably in the manual =)

Of course (sigh...) there is no linux-related configuration setup within the 
X-Arcade "manual" (a few unintersting lines).

Anyway I really tend to think this is a xmame related problem as everything is 
working very well in X itself. I mean, I tested all the controls on the 
xarcade within a console test program, and everything is responding very 
smoothly). How is xmame reading its keyboard input, and how to specify the 
method it uses, if anything possible on that side, as I couldn't find any 
help in the documentation ? (I know advancemame has different drivers to read 
the input, but the X support is quite limited to SDL (it is mentionned 
somewhere that the SDL driver is only supporting one single keyboard, while 
the event driver is supporting more than one at the same time)).

Well, the problem is that I really need that second keyboard working in xmame, 
since the Xarcade is supposed to be removable according to the setup of my 
living room... and not to sit in the middle of the room when I'm not 
playing... (the unit's quite big :)


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