Matthias Saou wrote:
> Lawrence Gold wrote :
>>xmame and xmess 0.100 are now available.
> Thanks a lot Lawrence! :-)
>>- Using "make install" no longer strips debug symbols from the
>>   executables.
> But it seems the default LD with -s still strips the binaries you get from
> the compilation, so in practice this change doesn't do anything. Removing
> -s from the default LD works for me to get the debug symbols at last (66MB
> uncompressed, 22MB debuginfo rpm package). I've also set "ASM_STRIP =
> true" (which isn't the default), although I'm not 100% sure it's
> necessary. I think being able to easily enable debugging symbols to be
> kept is a good thing (i.e. not needing to change 3 different settings to
> get them), but as it REALLY bloats the resulting binary, it definitely
> shouldn't be the default. Should a comment be added to the default
> makefile next to "Normal linking." to explain the needed change to LD?
> Another thing is that I now get this :
> error: unknown option history_file, on line 46 of
> file: /home/dude/.xmame/xmamerc ignoring line
> error: unknown option mameinfo_file, on line 47 of
> file: /home/dude/.xmame/xmamerc ignoring line
> I've double checked, and 0.99 doesn't give those errors. Have these
> options been removed or are those errors that didn't get reported before?
> Setting cheat_file and hiscore_file still works.
> Matthias
Support for mameinfo ang history.dat has been removed by mamedev.

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