On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 07:42:16AM +0000, Vojtech Fried wrote:
> Hi,


> I use libxml xpath engine on quite large (and mostly "flat") xml
> files. It seems that Shellsort, that is used in xmlXPathNodeSetSort is a
> performance bottleneck for my case. I have read some posts about sorting
> in libxml in the libxml archive, but I agree that qsort was not the way
> to go. I experimented with Timsort instead and my results were good for
> me. For about 10000 nodes, my test was about 5x faster with Timsort,
> for 1000 nodes about 10% faster, for small data files, the difference
> was not measurable.

  Okay, out of curiosity what's the maximum amount of nodes in the
nodeset you are ever hitting ?

> The patch is attached. It is not very polished, but it can be done on
> demand. I took Timsort implementation from https://github.com/swenson/sort
> (it has MIT Public License) The implementation uses its own
> BINARY_INSERTION_SORT if the size of sorted data is less than 64. I had
> to make it compile on msvc (msvc does not support C99, I had to backport
> it to C89). I have also removed some unused sorting algorithms.

  Yeah we would need more polishing. I dislike the idea of having code
in a .h even though i understand that as a trial approach it's easier
for testing :-)

> Timsort is able to utilize sorted runs of data (that is the reason
> why Shellsort is used in libxml as far as I know). It is a widely used
> algorithm, e.g. in python. The only disadvantage I know is that it
> uses O(n) memory. It is not a problem for me, but I don't know about
> others. If this is not acceptable, I could try to find some Smoothsort
> implementation. Smoothsort has similar properties like Timsort, but uses
> only O(1) memory. From what I have read, it is quite tricky to implement
> correctly though.

  Err You mean that Timsort need to duplicate the nodelist somehow instead of
working directly on the given list, because overall I don't know data
structures which are O(1) (but i would have a good business model if you
got one :-) . Basically doubling the list memory requirement doesn't
sounds a big deal I agree.

> Are there any performance tests for libxml I could run?

  Not really, it's used in so different ways that everyone has his own
criteria. See the dba100000.xml target in Makefile.am to generate an
arbitrary large file. But it's used only for Timingtests which only does
parsing timings, not XPath.


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
dan...@veillard.com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
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