Thank you much.  I am on AIX (IBM).  Performance is a non-issue.  We process 
2-4 million XML documents per day (in and out) using HTTP POST.  On the main 
server which handles 20,000+ orders per day on automated lines that give 2-3 
seconds to update inventory, A/R, check credit, rate shop up to 5 carriers, 
collect credit card auths, etc.  This has never been a problem as in forever.  
Where I am having the problem is sending real-time inventory to thousands of 
customers where an XML file is created, written, and "freed" -- always worked 
until a customer reached a certain number if SKUs or perhaps customers that 
need an update.  Some memory somewhere is not being freed.  It could be my 
code.  Or libxlml2.  I am certainly not infallible!  

I really appreciate your giving me those function names -- I will Google them 
and see if they work on AIX.  

I can't use other tools -- it is integrated with our database manager.  So C is 
my only option.  I don't know if it is something in my code, something in 
libxml2 -- which is truly excellent -- maybe I should first update to the 
latest version and see?  And then try debugging.  I am pretty careful on my own 
memory management but ... I still make mistakes and I thank you for the 

Grrrr -- you'd think after 40 years of C coding -- and since 1988 on AIX -- I 
would know these things, but - there is always something else to learn.  I 
contribute a lot to help other people on this forum and I am glad that people 
like you are willing to help me!  I need it!

AIX has "dbx" as the debugger .. being old I am not good at it and tend to use 
debug code rather than depend on the dbx.  I don't even know how to ask dbx to 
tell me what my memory usage is.  

I will report back to the group when done and solved.  

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving,


-----Original Message-----
From: Liam R E Quin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 7:17 PM
To: Eric Eberhard <>; 'BR Chrisman' <>
Subject: Re: [xml] Memory leak problem

On Tue, 2019-11-26 at 11:47 -0700, Eric Eberhard wrote:
> Is there a C call to see how much memory one is consuming?  I could 
> likely put that in to try and find it.

Depends on your operating system - there are also environment variables you can 
se that affect the bahaviour of malloc() in various ways, and that may help 
you. Try malloc_info() maybe,
   int malloc_info(int options, FILE *stream); where options must be 0 (duh).

If you don't have that, malloc_stats() prints to stderr, and if you don't ahve 
that, mallinfo() returns a struct.

On some systems, getrusage() will tell you about your process or thread's 
memory usage. Some other systems have vtimes() instead.

There's a variety of C debugging tools, but it depends on the operating system 
and environment as to which will be available.

It might be that a change in some external library has moved something around 
in memory and exposed a bug in your code (or in someone else's).

Incidentally, for production work, it's worth considering moving to an XSLT 3 
engine - whether Saxon 9 (Java, C# and C) or another one.

In a recent class exercise (in a course i was running on XSLT 3) people 
reported times of 6 seconds or so to write 10,000 HTIL files from an XML input 
document, and 10 seconds to do the same in streaming mode.
This was using Saxon EE in Java, for what it's worth. So it might be acceptably 
fast that you can consider moving to XSLT 3 and get the engineering benefits of 
type checking, too.


Liam Quin,
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/ XSL/XQuery/Web/Text 
Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
Barefoot Web-slave, antique illustrations:

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